Canon 5 D Mark II, 24-105mm L IS, (102mm) 1/800 sec @ f4.5, ISO 400
I've been doing some aerial photography recently, thanks to a friend and willing pilot, Hugh Rose. Do to low light we elected to not land on a glacier in the Alaska range, even though we were all packed with winter gear, ready to spend the night and do some hopeful aurora borealis photography. It's amazing how much gear one needs just to spend one night in the mountains! So, we did get great vistas on the flight to and from Fairbanks. In particular, Mt. Deborah, Hess and Hayes, are stunning peaks that highlight the Alaska range--the most prominent ones visible from Fairbanks. I included a similar shot that I posted last year, taken in autumn. It shows the contrast of seasons well.

Canon 5 D Mark II, 24-105mm L IS, (100mm) 1/320 sec @ f4.5, ISO 800
Using the Mark II lately eh? Any particular reason?
Patrick, Fantastic shots. Glad to hear you and Hugh are out having fun. Greg
There is pretty much one reason I've been using the 5D II--size and weight. That is about it. I like the files it generates, but am not too fond of the build. The mode dial can be so easily accidentally switched that I'm resorting to gaffers tape. Not too impressive to start modifying a state of the art camera with tape! But, it is a great alternative to slugging those 1D series things around.
This is about the time we ventured into the Sheldon House last year! Great memories from that trip. Alaska still screams with amazing vistas, and still beckons you...
So nice photo you have ... besutilful :)
Patrick, Fantastic shots. Glad to hear you and Hugh are out having fun. Greg
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